Ticket Tag examples

Ticket Tag example and how to make the description.

Let me guess you are here from "How to setup Ticket Tags" - I know magical. I will be explaining today how to setup your embed description to best suite your discord needs. I will be giving you an example one - which will work for all non-premium members (if you are premium you can have up too 7 tags and non-premium 3)

If you go to https://panel.helper.gg/ and login with your Discord Account. Once you have logged in, if you select your server, you will see a "Tickets" option, under this will be "Ticket Tags" as you can see here;

Once you have clicked on "Ticket Tags" if you find the option for "Ticket Create Reaction Message"

If you copy and paste the below code block into that tab (this is using Discord's Emojis)

Hello, are you stuck or do you need **help?**{lb}{lb}if so please react below in one of our ticket departments.{lb}{lb}:one: = `Support`{lb}:two: = `Billing`{lb}:three: = `General`{lb}{lb}If you have any other enquires, please ask in the General channel.

So it would now look like;

Now we have set the description for three departments being "Support" "Billing" and "General" we need to tell the emojis to be added onto the embed.

Now you are here if you are to click "add tag" at the top right you will see a box appear at the bottom. (so there is three in total)

Once done you need to change all THREE to look EXACTLY like this;

If you want the departments to be named something else - change them on both the description and the ticket tags there.

If you then wait a few minutes, and check the channel you told the embed to be created under. If you haven't please do "How to setup Ticket Tags" before hand.

pageHow to setup Ticket Tags

If you check after a minute or two, you will see;

I hope this example works for you.

Did you know you can set an image (premium feature) which allows you to have an image at the bottom of the Ticket Tag Embed?

Last updated