Setting up Supreme

Getting Super Powers

+ Purchasing Supreme +

If you are reading this guide, that means you have purchased the Supreme package for First and foremost, we would like to thank you for supporting the bot's continued development and improvement! Now that you have Supreme, here's what you need to do in order to start taking full advantage of it:

-- Navigate to Discord's Developer Portal -- Link:


Step 1: Click on "New Application" at the top right corner of the screen, and confirm its creation after naming it.

Step 2: Once you've created the application, go to the "Bots" tab in the nav-bar on the left of the screen.

Step 3: Build your bot! Feel free to give it a name of your choice, and note that bot creation is irreversible.

Step 4: Navigate to the "oAuth2" tab in the same menu as the "Bot" tab, and copy the number where it says Client ID

Step 5: Now you need to generate an invite link to be used when inviting your bot to the server, so you can use the supreme features. Don't worry, the new bot will use the same settings and variables from the bot, nothing is lost.

Now if you go to the link below;

Step 6: Copy your bot's Client ID into the link you just generated where it says INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE, then copy the link, and search for it. (this is how you invite your bot)

Step 7: Once the bot you've just created is in your server, go back to the Developer Portal and generate its Bot Token;

Step 8: Copy the "TOKEN" you just generated, and go back to's panel where you can paste the token in the box at the top left.

Step 9: The new bot may take a few minutes to boot. Remember, your settings won't be changed, although I do recommend you re-set up your Ticket Tags (due to them being on the sharded bot and not your Supreme bot.

Step 10: To ensure we are able to obtain your members list please enable members intent. This can be done by enabling the below box:

Step 11: All done! Thank you for purchasing Supreme and supporting

Created By Mike#0001

Last updated