How to setup per tag messages (ticket embed)

Setting up per tag messages

We offer advanced features with out Ticket Tags, built to allow you true customisation. Here I will show you how to setup and create individual messages per Ticket Tag you have made. First you need to go to our website;


You need to have setup Ticket Tags prior to this working; to do so check out "How to setup Ticket Tags"

pageHow to setup Ticket Tags

Once you have setup Ticket Tags, you can continue here. Get started by clicking the Ticket Tags option on the panel;

Once you have loaded into "Ticket Tags" if you click Edit on one of your Tags, the following will appear;

The bottom box titled "New Ticket Message" - if you change this to the message you want to be sent when a new ticket is created. Something like the following for an example;

Hello! Thank you for making a ticket, please give us all the information you have about the report you are giving us today\n\nThank you for making a ticket!

Remember to use \n or {lb} for linebreaks!

Hope you enjoyed reading this guide!

Last updated