Setting up

How am I supposed to incorporate the bot in my server?

Alright, now that you have familiarized yourself with the essential basics about, it's time to set up our bot in your server! Please note that while we've designed the system to allow for zero-setup on Discord's end, you will need to configure the panel according to your use case in order to take full advantage of all our features.

Invite to your server

Creation of default support roles

This should be done manually upon inviting to your guild, and by default these roles will be called ticket-support and ticket-manage(equivalent to support role 1 and support role 2 respectively inside of the panel). For the purposes of your guild's role system within Discord, both aforementioned roles should have identical permission sets.

Configure through our web panel

Configuration of support roles

Upon inviting the bot to your server, two support roles are automatically generated and populated into the panel under their respective sections according to the tab in our Discord section, titled Setting up Discord support roles. As made clear above, both of our support roles will be identical in scope by default, but if you wish to configure access controls for interacting with the bot, this can be done by navigating to the Commands section of your panel and setting the boolean values for each role on the command of your choice to either true or false for Ticket Add Role (1 or 2). For a comprehensive, visually guided tutorial on how this is done, navigate to this link:

pageDiscord Support Roles

Join the official support server

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Last updated