Message Auto-Delete & time period

How to disable or enable a message to Auto Delete

Here’s how you can disable or enable a message to be Auto Deleted after 10 seconds (by default, can be changed if you have premium), we will explain below beneath this section.

Go to a message you want to be Auto Deleted then click the switch button. Green means it will be Auto Deleted, and red means it will not be Auto Deleted.

Each message has it's own auto-delete option, allowing you to enable/disable each message from being deleted.

If you don’t see a switch that means the message can’t be Auto Deleted, if you want access to auto-delete them. Please raise a ticket.

Change Auto Delete Time Period

NOTE: Please note that Auto Delete Timer Period is a premium feature. You can follow this guide on how to purchase Premium here;

Lets move onto setting the time period on Auto-Deleting messages, you can change the time that it takes before a message is deleted, here’s how you can do that.

First things first head over to "Modify Variables", then look for "Auto Delete Time Period". By default this is 10 seconds, although you can have up too 20 seconds. If you wish to have this increased, please raise a ticket.

All done, that is how you setup and change the period for Auto-Delete.

Created by: AppleMacOS#0001

Last updated